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Oberon Service’s mission is linked to the development, selling, installation, customization and the related assistance service on hardware and software solutions, as well as their integration, for the optimal management of printing and workflow processes.
As part of the adoption of a quality system, with the aim of making improvements both internally and towards Customers, Oberon Service has defined its quality policy, basing it on the following points:

  • Guarantee and constantly improve Customer satisfaction by fulfilling their expectations and complying with product and service requirements, with the aim of becoming an increasingly strategic partner for them.
  • Promote the continuous improvement of the quality of both products and services, as well as the effectiveness of the quality system itself.
  • Respond promptly to market evolution through a flexible and competitive organization.
  • Involve all employees in the processes, allowing them to grow professionally and to feel an active part of the quality system.

The implementation of the Policy involves a series of actions, such as:

  • Define roles and responsibilities for various business processes.
  • Promote the development of the skills of professional resources, promoting integration and collaboration between internal organizational areas and activating permanent training actions.
  • Develop procedures, through internal instructions taken as organisational, procedural and operational reference standards in the management of activities.
  • Prevent the occurrence of non-conformities during the performance of the activities.
  • Identify and record non-conformities, promoting the activation of suitable corrective actions and the consolidation of the solutions adopted.
  • Promote customer focus throughout the organization as well as the integrity of the management system itself.

  • Ensure compliance with current laws and regulations on legal, security, privacy and administration-finance matters.
  • Carry out constant internal verification of your QMS.
  • Search for new solutions that meet the needs of its Customers.
  • Provide timely support to the customer, aimed at solving any possible problem of a technical nature.

In carrying out its mission, Oberon is committed to:


  • To provide high quality services that meet the expressed requirements.
  • To demonstrate transparency and reliability.
  • To guarantee competitive prices.
  • To communicate the principles defined in the Quality Policy to the interested parties.
  • To interact in the resolution of problems/threats that could affect the quality of the service.


  • To provide the information necessary for understanding and defining the Customer’s requirements.

  • To behave with transparency and correctness, respecting the obligations signed in the contract.


  • To foster the spirit of initiative.
  • To encourage professional growth.
  • To ensure profitable and peaceful professional relationships.
  • To guarantee a work environment in which everyone can be satisfied.
  • To spread the culture of Quality.
  • To promote meetings in relation to business needs.


  • Through the development of digitization software which, in addition to reducing paper consumption, offers the possibility of working remotely, reducing the pollution associated with transfers to and from the workplace.

The Management board will critically and objectively examine the adequacy and effectiveness of the Quality Management System over time through direct feedback and periodic reviews.